View Full Version : Funny noise when shift gear ?

10-11-2008, 06:38 PM
hey guys .. recently my car has this quite but noticible noise coming from aroud my front left tyre ... i think its maybe cause of my clucth/flywheel nt sure .. please let me know if u know wats wrong .. cheers

10-11-2008, 06:48 PM
well your clutch and flywheel are nowhere near your left tyre

so maybe a bit of a better explanation

is it a clicking a humming a whirring etc etc etc

10-11-2008, 06:49 PM
more info would be handy?

what sorta noise?

all gears? or just one particular gear?

10-11-2008, 07:57 PM
is it like a pschiiiiiiiiii sound??? lol sorry il leave now

10-11-2008, 08:07 PM
Cv boot ripped opened and making grinding noise.
Wheel hub bearing has had it.
Wheels unbalanced making a whurring or resonant sound.
Screeching sound, time to change your pads, or your shims are rubbing on the disc.
Sqeaking while braking. Pads, if pads have alot of meat and discs arent scored, its normal, just brake dust build up. if not, discs might be scored or scuffed.

Could be that you have your drivers window down and not your passengers and think its the passenger side cause the sound is bouncing of an object or wall.
Could probably be simply your clutch release bearing.

just my thoughts, share more info as to, when, how, in what gear (if not all) and what kind of noise.

kthxbyeomgrotflmao. :wave:

12-11-2008, 10:25 PM
thx guys .. lots of info .. will get to it .. but im leaving 2 malaysia on firday .i just watned to know if was anything major or not well i get back ill check it out.. once agian thx alot all of u ..especially jai lol .. oh yea and im looking for a mugen front bumper to buy ! cheers :)