View Full Version : alarm auto start feature with honda immobiliser

07-09-2005, 09:36 PM
about to get a viper 791vx alarm installed with auto start
now is there a way to trick the immobiliser that the key is in there and let it start or will the guys have to install my unit without this feature?

apparently i've heard of people pulling the little white bit out of the key(which i'm assuming is what the immobiliser detects and allows you to start the car) and sticking it near the ignition barrel to bypass it, so in a way disabling the immobiliser alltogether

is it possible to just have it near the barrel to bypass the immobiliser?

help would be appreciated :)

07-09-2005, 09:41 PM
moved to technical for abit more luck....

07-09-2005, 10:10 PM
whoops, thanks ;)

to elaborate a little more on the story.
took my car to auto electrician, said i needed a spare key with an immobiliser chip in it to get the auto start working. being the god knows which owner of the car, i wasn't supplied this key
now its either that or i don't get the auto start feature
can anyone also tell me whether the little white thing inside my key, shaped like a triangle, is the immobiliser chip to allow the car to start? if so how close does it need to be near the ignition barrel to start? i have an idea around it i suppose which includes some velcro :)

edit; okay confirmed that the transponder chip is inside my key, can i stick that near the ignition barrel to get it going? any way i can test it safely? i.e. try starting the car without it then sticking it near and trying again

07-09-2005, 11:22 PM
you have to remove the transponder from a black key or disable the immobiliser from the ECU.

07-09-2005, 11:54 PM
removing it isn't a problem, its practically fallen out(i have to keep it stuck in manually)

is it possible to just have it near the ignition barrel to disarm the immobiliser
any damage by trying to start it without the transponder?

08-09-2005, 12:02 AM
you wont do any damage by trying to start without the transponder.

you have to mount it very close your the reciver around the barrel

trial and error

have fun

08-09-2005, 01:25 AM
anyone happen to know how close exactly to save me some time testing? :p

08-09-2005, 01:30 AM
may vary with certain cars.. but about 1-2cms from the ignition...

perhaps work from the point where it works... to a point where u can then mount it...