View Full Version : [Euro] windscreen wiper squeeking loudly

25-09-2005, 11:19 PM
tonight i was driving home and it was raining and i noticed that my windscreen wiper started squeeking

within 5 minutes the squeeking got progressively louder and now its an insane loud just before i got home

WTF, it was wiping the glass fine but im afraid it was getting loose or something and will start to mark the windscreen

has anyone else had this problem?

26-09-2005, 12:12 AM
Is it bouncing off your windscreen? You can see that is is not a smooth wipe but many perpendicular (to the wiper blade) lines. If it is, you might have a windscreen that is too clean (squeaky) or has something sticky on it. Brand new wiper blades (Euro size, from dealer, Honda original) actually have a coat of graphite powder (stuck to the rubber of course, not loose) that serve to lubricate the surface.