View Full Version : ITR steering wheel

11-03-2007, 07:23 AM
Question, ive noticed laterly the top of my wheel, the bit that is behind where the airbag sits, and goes back towards the dash, where it meets the airbag part is folding up, and im starting to see the underneath greay backing

anyone have this problem, and how have you dealt with it?

sorry if im not making sense, big night, havent slept yet

12-03-2007, 11:39 PM
hey dood

ummm probly cause the sun ? i always use the sun blind
to protect my dash and steering wheel from the sun
also a coat of amour all once in a while will do the trick
i protect it also because the top of my steering wheel
is fading :thumbdwn: wonder if u get that problem as well ?

12-03-2007, 11:51 PM
I dont think he has fading/cracking problem..

Zilli, i think i have the same problem as you.. The top part of the steering wheel is actually lifting up... Im just living with it but if you're really fussed, probably super glue it down? Lol...

But Im way too lazy to do that

13-03-2007, 01:25 PM
so is that bit actually a glued on cover peice or something?

its not fading, althrough the wheel could use a rejuvenation...

the thing is the cars always garaged... very rarely in the sun

i dunno

13-03-2007, 01:42 PM
Mine is doing the same thing. There ain't much you can do aside from gluing it down. FWIW, I decided not to glue it as i thought the glue would look tackier than the slightly warped rubber...