View Full Version : 08 civic
24-10-2007, 10:29 AM
hmmm ruby red being dropped.
Satellite Mist (light gold) is in...
waiting to see if there are anymore changes.
doubt it though.
24-10-2007, 10:34 AM
have you sold any ruby reds.. ever??
24-10-2007, 10:39 AM
I bought a ruby Red.. whats wrong with it??? ;)
24-10-2007, 10:42 AM
buying it in ruby red is probably the best anti theft investment :D
24-10-2007, 10:43 AM
I bought a ruby Red.. whats wrong with it??? ;)
Nothing wrong its still a good car.
24-10-2007, 10:44 AM
have you sold any ruby reds.. ever??
yes we have actually, it might not be a popular colour with the younger people but it is with the older. If u look out on the roads there are heaps of other makes of cars with similar a colour to ruby red.
24-10-2007, 10:51 AM
so I am old??? great! LOL
I wanted a colour, not a shade (white, black and silver are all very common and like all my previous cars) and unfortunately to have an actual colour their is little choice in the Civics..
Different colours look very different on different cars, the ruby red works well on the Civic though I think..
EDIT: Thats interesting, so if they drop Ruby Red then the only 'colour' other than white/black and shades of grey is the violet??? do you sell much of the violet?
24-10-2007, 10:54 AM
Yeah an actual colour would be great.
Why not Honda Australia bring in the racing blue colour they use for the Mugen site?
24-10-2007, 10:56 AM
we would love a blue or even a red like milano.
it wont happen, there are reasons why we get some colours and miss out on others. i cbf explaining it.
24-10-2007, 11:14 AM
^^ Yeah I would have prefered the milano red..
They just seem to be a bit slack on the options. i.e. little colour choice, no safety pack (which I think almost every other car in the price range has optional), no nav option (which a good number have), we'll leave the paint quality out of this.. Don't get me wrong I like the car, I bought one, I just feel the choices are a little poor compared to the US or other brands here..
24-10-2007, 11:16 AM
any news on FD2R coming in the future or at all?
24-10-2007, 11:25 AM
any news on FD2R coming in the future or at all?
nope not as yet
24-10-2007, 11:27 AM
^^ Yeah I would have prefered the milano red..
Believe me - no one wants milano red/pink after having seen my car!
24-10-2007, 11:29 AM
its amazing how many people still ask for milano in the jazz! i wish we still got it
24-10-2007, 11:33 AM
its amazing how many people still ask for milano in the jazz! i wish we still got it
I wish people new just how crappy a colour it can be! Even Honda Australia was not interested in looking into it . . . . .
24-10-2007, 11:37 AM
Believe me - no one wants milano red/pink after having seen my car!
?? so it ends up looking pink I take it?
24-10-2007, 11:40 AM
if u take care of the milano paint it WONT go pink.
and ruby red isnt that bad, my crv is ruby red.
24-10-2007, 11:45 AM
?? so it ends up looking pink I take it?
Spot on. Will try and post some decent photos.
if u take care of the milano paint it WONT go pink.
My paint has always been well taken care of (car is parked outside but in the shade and washed/cleaned etc regularly). That being said the top was already PINK when the car was six years old!!!
24-10-2007, 01:21 PM
wow... no one mention "bluish silver" on this thread... -_-"
24-10-2007, 02:05 PM
i love that colour, the mrs has it, she wanted silver but i said be a lil different. she loves it. looks great with the grey 17" wheels on the sport!
24-10-2007, 04:23 PM
dont like that blushi silver colour because i think its a girlish colour, no offense
cant go wrong with silver, white, black. :D
Interesting decision to drop a classy colour like ruby red and replace it with a grandpa colour like satellite mist.
They would have been better off replacing the bluish silver with Arctic Blue. :thumbsup:
Funnily enough the ruby red is one of the 3 main colours I see where I live, along with black and silver moss!!
24-10-2007, 07:08 PM
god how i wish we had silver moss back! u should see it in the jazz! looks mad!
I thought the red looks quite good. It has 'character' and 'depth'... but not really my style.
24-10-2007, 07:35 PM
jazz has silver moss? or u mean alabasta silver? Never heard that it came in silver moss unless it was custom painted
24-10-2007, 07:48 PM
wow... no one mention "bluish silver" on this thread... -_-"
my 56 year old mother has the bluish silver sport
25-10-2007, 11:27 AM
my 56 year old mother has the bluish silver sport
bleh! at least I think they're a lot better than the ruby... or even the "ribena"
25-10-2007, 11:48 AM
bleh! at least I think they're a lot better than the ruby...
Matter of opinion, of course :p
Either way I think they're all better than gold.. :zip:
25-10-2007, 11:51 AM
Either way I think they're all better than gold.. :zip:
agree joele!!! ^_^
25-10-2007, 03:05 PM
satellite mist is such a grandpa colour, i think you have to be +50yo be able to buy it
I wish people new just how crappy a colour it can be! Even Honda Australia was not interested in looking into it . . . . .
the paint from the eg era is not the same as current
25-10-2007, 03:11 PM
the paint from the eg era is not the same as current
I agree, although I have seen a few Jazz's in milano red that have started to fade :confused:
Why not Honda Australia bring in the racing blue colour they use for the Mugen site?
i saw blue civic, i think it's hybrid. not sure, that's electron blue (other forum called) or what
wow... no one mention "bluish silver" on this thread... -_-"
when the first time i want to buy this civic, the sales manager told me, bluish silver is a current style color but the trend would be over someday.
black/white more long lasting trend.
my opinion, civic with white is the best from rear view (white + big red tail light = match) and civic with black is the best from front view (dark color + crystal chrome headlight + fog light + chrome grille = contrast):thumbsup:
25-10-2007, 05:08 PM
I personally like Light colored cars... Civics looks best in WHite IMO, just Dark tinted glass and nice rims would make it look amazing... I actually quite like the Ruby Red, very unique, unlike the bunch of Silver black and white civics I see all the time.
25-10-2007, 06:42 PM
jazz has silver moss? or u mean alabasta silver? Never heard that it came in silver moss unless it was custom painted
sorry, in thailand they had silver moss jazz
26-10-2007, 10:24 AM
[QUOTE=dmx;1402679]i saw blue civic, i think it's hybrid. not sure, that's electron blue (other forum called) or what [QUOTE]
yup, hybrid comes with darker blue...
anyway, any updates on the 08 civic model?
bleh! at least I think they're a lot better than the ruby... or even the "ribena"
Anyone ever seen one in the Misty Violet on the street?
I have only ever seen one at the local dealership.
26-10-2007, 03:12 PM
Anyone ever seen one in the Misty Violet on the street?
I have only ever seen one at the local dealership.
no theres alot on the street... next door neighbour got one... and they are "ribena" couple... :p
jkz jkz...
no theres alot on the street... next door neighbour got one... and they are "ribena" couple... :p
jkz jkz...
Oh well, I must just live in an area with a younger demographic.
26-10-2007, 03:41 PM
i know u cant get accent lighting anymore! honda deleted it!
26-10-2007, 03:55 PM
i know u cant get accent lighting anymore! honda deleted it!
when i installed it back in 06, they told me it was too cheap and not worth the price they charged. too much work for a $300 item. im glad i got it then. well i didnt buy it, was a pressie from my uncle.
guess what !!!! i already seen civic with gold color this morning !!!
tought is accord, but not, it's civic ! not too bad, looks like accord with gold color !
and i need explanation from UNLS, is it now Oct 07 or 08 :confused::D:D
26-10-2007, 05:32 PM
what's wrong with misty voilet?
what's wrong with misty voilet?
don't think anything wrong with me.
i nearly choose this color before, but at that time only available for sport model only :(
26-10-2007, 07:56 PM
^same here... I actually like it but when I bought my civic, it was only available for sports :(
26-10-2007, 08:59 PM
almost bought it because i think it can actually look quite hot
although people kept telling me how "gay" it would be for me to drive it
so i gave in and just bought a black one... BORING
26-10-2007, 09:12 PM
^I guess about 90% of us bought boring colors (White, Silver and Black), I have Silver... lol
26-10-2007, 10:42 PM
silver moss FTW
27-10-2007, 03:14 PM
Anyone know of any other changes with the Civic 08 model?
I see that the US civic sedan comes with LED tail lights. Wonder if that will flow into Oz..
27-10-2007, 09:19 PM
what's wrong with the paint quality?
anyway i want to complain about the tints, the honda people at the corner of rhte back panel window didn't cut it and now the tip is just peeled off where they haven't cut it, the tint isn't coming off, but should i cut it myself or get them to redo the tint?
27-10-2007, 09:35 PM
Honda paint is pretty bad in my opinion. I only had my car for a year and its already got plenty of swirls and chips in it. And its not like I dont wash my car or drive off road all the time.
You shouldn't have to be a professional detailer in order to keep your car in a reasonable condition.
I will never buy dark colour Honda again, a real pain in the ass to keep
27-10-2007, 10:29 PM
Honda paint is pretty bad in my opinion. I only had my car for a year and its already got plenty of swirls and chips in it. And its not like I dont wash my car or drive off road all the time.
You shouldn't have to be a professional detailer in order to keep your car in a reasonable condition.
I will never buy dark colour Honda again, a real pain in the ass to keep
dark colours in general are a pain in the ass mate :|
27-10-2007, 11:24 PM
I must agree on the paint quality.. couple chips marks on my bonnet now..
27-10-2007, 11:24 PM
Honda paint is pretty bad in my opinion. I only had my car for a year and its already got plenty of swirls and chips in it. And its not like I dont wash my car or drive off road all the time.
You shouldn't have to be a professional detailer in order to keep your car in a reasonable condition.
I will never buy dark colour Honda again, a real pain in the ass to keep
Mate... all dark cars are like that regardless of make, i am a part-time detailer and I've seen swirls on any car. It depends on how you wash it, are you 100% certain your microfibre's (if you use them) are good quality and dust/dirt free when you wash your car?
28-10-2007, 01:10 PM
yeah the 08 civics in the new colours are around, like the 08 odyssey came out in like august this year.
just some colour changes
29-10-2007, 09:20 AM
yeah the 08 civics in the new colours are around, like the 08 odyssey came out in like august this year.
just some colour changes
only colour change? dang thats surelly going to "boost" the sales :p
29-10-2007, 09:32 AM
^I think Civic sales are still doing pretty well, last i heard, was still a 1-2 month wait.
29-10-2007, 09:35 AM
^I think Civic sales are still doing pretty well, last i heard, was still a 1-2 month wait.
I'm still on the final leg of my 3 month wait. Granted I have probably one of the most common combination... vti, auto and in black.
They suck... all they can say is 'Sometime in november' .. wow...
Hey mr dealership dude (UNLS1), do you know when the november shipment of civics will be leaving thailand? Has it already left?
Ohh.. also, do you know what the prices are for the civic neoprene seat covers? I really don't like the light grey interior seats... they look like they'll get dirty easily.
29-10-2007, 10:15 AM
They suck... all they can say is 'Sometime in november' .. wow...
Strange I got mine recetly (shorter wait as ruby red LOL) and I got an exact date on the ship arrival, and delivery "around a week after".. but they should give you a ship arrival schedule..
Ohh.. also, do you know what the prices are for the civic neoprene seat covers? I really don't like the light grey interior seats... they look like they'll get dirty easily.
Thinking of them myself..
$249 front
$249 back
I think accessory prices from dealers are pretty standard, I tried a few and they all gave the same price..
29-10-2007, 10:24 AM
I think accessory prices from dealers are pretty standard, I tried a few and they all gave the same price..
No, they have different markups.
29-10-2007, 10:25 AM
Thanks Joele. Yeah when i ordered the car I was happy to wait 3 months... we have another good reliable car... and wanted to use the wait as motivation to save as much cash as possible to minimise the car loan. (Now I just want to use that extra cash towards a body kit :P )
But yeah, after a week of waiting I started going crazy... I'm horrible at waiting for something... The dealership told me that they'll let me know when the car arrives in brisbane!! How rubbish is that!
500 bucks for seat covers is a tad expensive. I really want a set that fits snuggly tho... cars with lose seat covers look really bad.
29-10-2007, 10:33 AM
No, they have different markups.
funny, I tried 3 in melbourne (not next to each other) and they all gave me the exact same prices for various parts... The only thing that changed slightly was the install rate...
29-10-2007, 10:37 AM
and wanted to use the wait as motivation to save as much cash as possible to minimise the car loan. (Now I just want to use that extra cash towards a body kit :P )
I did the same...
But yeah, after a week of waiting I started going crazy... I'm horrible at waiting for something...
same again! LOL
500 bucks for seat covers is a tad expensive. I really want a set that fits snuggly tho... cars with lose seat covers look really bad.
I ask out of curiousity what they charged for wool covers... I think it is better I don't tell you :zip:
Hint: more than 3 times the price of the neoprene :eek:
29-10-2007, 10:40 AM
all november shipments, and any month of the year expect to dock at the end of the month, so delivery at the end if ur lucky or first week of the next month.
29-10-2007, 11:08 AM
I do hope you mean the November civics are docking at the end of this month (i.e October).
Else I'm really REALLY dissapointed.
EDIT: aparrently not. me = :( x 2
29-10-2007, 11:14 AM
This talk to the neoprene car seats covers - I was keen to get a set for my VTi-L when I bought her last year, but alas as we all know the seat side airbags get in the way.
Is there any talk of OEM neoprene covers being available that're slotted to allow for the seat side airbags to operate? Or, would it be possible to take the OEM covers to someone that could modify them to suit? (with $500+ for the set, + whatever the tailoring costs would be - I can see the $$$ mount up very quickly).
29-10-2007, 01:04 PM
I do hope you mean the November civics are docking at the end of this month (i.e October).
Else I'm really REALLY dissapointed.
EDIT: aparrently not. me = :( x 2
lol nah if they said its a nov car, end of nove for you!
oct car, u will have it very soon!
Philip Lee
29-10-2007, 02:52 PM
any change to Civic Type R??
29-10-2007, 03:17 PM
lol no
29-10-2007, 03:37 PM
lol nah if they said its a nov car, end of nove for you!
oct car, u will have it very soon!
Nah, it's a november car unfortunately. I was really hoping to get it in the first half of november. Another 4 weeks is going to be so painful :P
Oh well.. I guess I'll just suck it up.
29-10-2007, 03:47 PM
4 months for delivery??? ouch...
29-10-2007, 03:48 PM
how come we dont have the mugen civic RR? its such a ownage car
29-10-2007, 03:53 PM
how come we dont have the mugen civic RR? its such a ownage car
Have you read any posts on this forum?
29-10-2007, 03:59 PM
4 months for delivery??? ouch...
By the time I get the car it'll be 3.5 months from when I placed the order/paid the deposit.
I just feel like screaming at someone...haha.... looks like I'll be driving the ol' festiva for a lil while longer.
The sad thing is... I'll be a member on ozhonda (90 days) before I get the car haha..
29-10-2007, 03:59 PM
^^ All 300 of the Mugen RR's have already sold out
29-10-2007, 06:00 PM
By the time I get the car it'll be 3.5 months from when I placed the order/paid the deposit.
I just feel like screaming at someone...haha.... looks like I'll be driving the ol' festiva for a lil while longer.
The sad thing is... I'll be a member on ozhonda (90 days) before I get the car haha..
wow, why still that long? Civic is still in demand? What color did you get?
I got my FD2 2 weeks after signing papers
29-10-2007, 06:09 PM
wow, why still that long? Civic is still in demand? What color did you get?
I got my FD2 2 weeks after signing papers
A black vti auto mate. So a very popular combo i assume.
29-10-2007, 06:37 PM
I got a 2 month old one, 2k km on the clock and only waited 1 week :P... couldn't be stuffed to wait that long, just bought an almost new one :D
Shimian, FD2's wait is substantially lower than the FD1, not many people pay 34k for a civic :P
29-10-2007, 07:02 PM
Yeah and you probably got a decent deal on it too. was it a demo or any idea why the last person returned it? I'd be too worried about ppl driving it hard before the engine is warmed up.
I'm telling my dealer to not delivery the car to my place as he said he will do... i dont trust him to put the first few kilometers on it. and I wouldnt trust a demo either... cos I know how hard i drove the new corolla when i test drove it alone. all I know is that when i parked the corolla after the drive i could smell something burn awefully... felt really bad when handing the keys back.
Yeah the price for the fD2 is hard to justify for some, including me. When this whole adventure started I was going to get a r34 (or was is the r33 lol..99 model.. can't remember) skyline (non turbo, triptronic) for between 20 and 25k. but then the civic stole me away from that. The new car smell triumphs again! Pitty the new lancer wasn't out then... I would have considered it.
But the fd2 would have the best bolt-ons coming... especially cos its underpowerd k20a is de-tuned for perfomance. Tho there's hardly any room in the engine bay... i imagine its a pain to tr and install anything there...
i'm gonna love screaming down the road in non-vtec with a cai :D.
29-10-2007, 07:20 PM
Have you read any posts on this forum?
you sir should keep your devil worshiping spam in the spam thread please
29-10-2007, 07:30 PM
[QUOTE=markCivicVti;1407819]Yeah and you probably got a decent deal on it too. was it a demo or any idea why the last person returned it? I'd be too worried about ppl driving it hard before the engine is warmed up.
I'm telling my dealer to not delivery the car to my place as he said he will do... i dont trust him to put the first few kilometers on it. and I wouldnt trust a demo either... cos I know how hard i drove the new corolla when i test drove it alone. all I know is that when i parked the corolla after the drive i could smell something burn awefully... felt really bad when handing the keys back.
hmm u have no choice about others drivin your car before you, it has to go to pre -delivery, they have to road test it, then it might have to go to detailers, then back to the dealership. oh and it might even be driven from the dealers storage yard to the dealership!
as far as our demos go, we go with the customers in the car, they dont thrash the car and if they do we tell them to stop it! we go with the customers for the reason u wont buy a demo as if we let people like u drive them alone they go and thrash the crap out of them!
29-10-2007, 07:42 PM
Yeah and you probably got a decent deal on it too. was it a demo or any idea why the last person returned it? I'd be too worried about ppl driving it hard before the engine is warmed up.
i'm gonna love screaming down the road in non-vtec with a cai :D.
I highly doubt so... I was at the dealer, overheard an old couple (According to the log book, he's 65) complaining the FD was too small and wanted to upgrade to a Euro. So I approached the salesman and told him, if he really traded it in, I am 100% sure I would buy it off him right away because I didn't want to wait, it was exactly what I wanted (Auti Vti-L), only not in the color I wanted (wanted white, if not Black)... but Silver was great too.
Talked to the salesman and all and after about 15mins, he gave a good deal, he'll get a higher trade in price for the old man and if I didn't want the car to be cleaned (just wanted a mechanical inspection and accident inspection by a mechanic of my own choice and one from their's), he'll give it to me for a better price considering it doesn't have to sit in the yard for long. Made the deal almost immediately and got a 3 month old VTi-L Auto for 25k driveaway :D
UNLS1... how would we know the true performance of the car if we don't get to redline it through at least 1-2 gears? tbh, if it was me... I would walk away if a dealer told me I couldn't hit the redline, I have to keep it within 3k rpm or something like that.
29-10-2007, 07:48 PM
I highly doubt so... I was at the dealer, overheard an old couple (According to the log book, he's 65) complaining the FD was too small and wanted to upgrade to a Euro. So I approached the salesman and told him, if he really traded it in, I am 100% sure I would buy it off him right away because I didn't want to wait, it was exactly what I wanted (Auti Vti-L), only not in the color I wanted (wanted white, if not Black)... but Silver was great too.
Talked to the salesman and all and after about 15mins, he gave a good deal, he'll get a higher trade in price for the old man and if I didn't want the car to be cleaned (just wanted a mechanical inspection and accident inspection by a mechanic of my own choice and one from their's), he'll give it to me for a better price considering it doesn't have to sit in the yard for long. Made the deal almost immediately and got a 3 month old VTi-L Auto for 25k driveaway :D
UNLS1... how would we know the true performance of the car if we don't get to redline it through at least 1-2 gears? tbh, if it was me... I would walk away if a dealer told me I couldn't hit the redline, I have to keep it within 3k rpm or something like that.
Thats a bit dumb because Civic is about same size as Euro interior
29-10-2007, 08:20 PM
^that's what I thought but apparently he thinks its bigger and I wasn't gonna object considering the deal was in favour of me :P. But I believe the Euro gives the rear passengers more room and have more comfy seats...
29-10-2007, 08:27 PM
^ more head room too...
wtf one of the reason to test drive is to thrash it once or twice and see how it performs.
29-10-2007, 10:47 PM
hmm u have no choice about others drivin your car before you, it has to go to pre -delivery, they have to road test it, then it might have to go to detailers, then back to the dealership. oh and it might even be driven from the dealers storage yard to the dealership!
as far as our demos go, we go with the customers in the car, they dont thrash the car and if they do we tell them to stop it! we go with the customers for the reason u wont buy a demo as if we let people like u drive them alone they go and thrash the crap out of them!
Makes sense.
I didn't get to test the civic's "performance" unfortunately. I understand the interest the dealer has in not having people abuse the demo car. Tho it really is part of the reason why some people demo a car. All new cars handle the same at slow speeds... it's how they feel/handle in faster/more aggressive than usual driving.
At least I let the engine warm up before spirited driving.
Philip Lee
30-10-2007, 08:29 AM
as far as our demos go, we go with the customers in the car, they dont thrash the car and if they do we tell them to stop it! we go with the customers for the reason u wont buy a demo as if we let people like u drive them alone they go and thrash the crap out of them!
yeah but some sales would just start up the car (from cold) and drive it hard straight away with air con on full to impress the buyer.........
i usually prefer to wait for a car off the boat.
30-10-2007, 01:24 PM
when I test drive the sports, the dealer doesnt even allow me to use the paddle shift... =S but I insist since I usually drive manual and want to know the diff... so I trash it to almost 5k rpm, and the dealer keep on saying "shift the gear up, shift the gear up" XD and I tell him that I forgot coz he's keep on talking to me and I'm not used to the position of the paddle shift :p
30-10-2007, 02:31 PM
yeah but some sales would just start up the car (from cold) and drive it hard straight away with air con on full to impress the buyer.........
i usually prefer to wait for a car off the boat.
lol have u seen how the warfies and truck drivers drive them??? haha id rather have the salesman drive them!
as for warming up, then only need a vert short warm up, even a min is enough. it does stuff all to it if u dont, Its ment to turn the key, start and drive. If u can say get 2 cars that are equal, start one and drive it right away every time for 6 months, and the other warm it up and then drive it, you couldnt tell the difference between the 2 cars after 6 months.
Excesive warming up is bad for the car also.
30-10-2007, 02:35 PM
^by warfies, do you mean the RORO people?... yea, salesman driving is nothing compared to those people. I live near a Car Rental place and I see the truck drivers drive the rentals up and down the truck alot, lets just say they aren't very light footed and slow when they hit ramps :P
UNLS1... just curious, which showroom do you work for?
30-10-2007, 02:38 PM
lol have u seen how the warfies and truck drivers drive them??? haha id rather have the salesman drive them!
as for warming up, then only need a vert short warm up, even a min is enough. it does stuff all to it if u dont, Its ment to turn the key, start and drive. If u can say get 2 cars that are equal, start one and drive it right away every time for 6 months, and the other warm it up and then drive it, you couldnt tell the difference between the 2 cars after 6 months.
Excesive warming up is bad for the car also.
You're not supposed to idle it till its warm - i think we all know that now. Just drive gently until its warm... then as others say "drive it like you stole it".
30-10-2007, 02:43 PM
Hey UNLS1, I was thinking, when I go to pickup the car... would it be rude... if I asked the salesman to let me inspect the paint thickness with one of those little devices that read (somehow?!) the thickness of the paint... apparently they have those so that when people trade in/sell cars they can see if the paintwork is original or not (so possibly in accident).
So do those devices exist? And would I possibly get access to one to check that the new car hasn't had any major paint damage done to it during transit?
(When I pay 27k for a painted tin can with an engine in it, I'd really hope the tin can did not have to be partially repainted/touchedup. I've heard of cases where someone couldn't sell their 2 week old honda for a decent amount cos it apparently was in an accident during transit... and half the car had been repainted -this was the US tho)
Hey UNLS1, I was thinking, when I go to pickup the car... would it be rude... if I asked the salesman to let me inspect the paint thickness with one of those little devices that read (somehow?!) the thickness of the paint... apparently they have those so that when people trade in/sell cars they can see if the paintwork is original or not (so possibly in accident).
So do those devices exist? And would I possibly get access to one to check that the new car hasn't had any major paint damage done to it during transit?
(When I pay 27k for a painted tin can with an engine in it, I'd really hope the tin can did not have to be partially repainted/touchedup. I've heard of cases where someone couldn't sell their 2 week old honda for a decent amount cos it apparently was in an accident during transit... and half the car had been repainted -this was the US tho)
UNLS1, I have similar question if you don't mind me asking... My rear left passenger door is slightly darker than the rest of the body (silver moss). I bought it brand new and did not notice until about 3months after.. Is it possible that the dealer repainted the door before handed it over to me? or is it just factory defect? Thanks..
30-10-2007, 03:21 PM
(When I pay 27k for a painted tin can with an engine in it, I'd really hope the tin can did not have to be partially repainted/touchedup.
Like mine next week :(
30-10-2007, 03:46 PM
Hey UNLS1, I was thinking, when I go to pickup the car... would it be rude... if I asked the salesman to let me inspect the paint thickness with one of those little devices that read (somehow?!) the thickness of the paint... apparently they have those so that when people trade in/sell cars they can see if the paintwork is original or not (so possibly in accident).
So do those devices exist? And would I possibly get access to one to check that the new car hasn't had any major paint damage done to it during transit?
(When I pay 27k for a painted tin can with an engine in it, I'd really hope the tin can did not have to be partially repainted/touchedup. I've heard of cases where someone couldn't sell their 2 week old honda for a decent amount cos it apparently was in an accident during transit... and half the car had been repainted -this was the US tho)
dont think it would be rude, but ive never seen it happen in the 3 years ive been at honda.
i think u should be fine though, if u get black u might get a swirl or 2 but thats the paint and its impossible to get it 110%
Ive only know of 2 of our cars over the years being damaged in transit and they were never bought to the dealership, we didnt accept them as the damage was to much.
30-10-2007, 03:48 PM
UNLS1, I have similar question if you don't mind me asking... My rear left passenger door is slightly darker than the rest of the body (silver moss). I bought it brand new and did not notice until about 3months after.. Is it possible that the dealer repainted the door before handed it over to me? or is it just factory defect? Thanks..
thats a tough one without seeing the car. a real tough one.
Some times u just cant help if the car gets a stone chip or has a scratch on it! Its impossible to stop this and there is so many ways this can happen to an unlucky car, and this is not just hondas, its everycar!
Ive had the problem fixed before and made sure it was fixed to the best quality. Never had a complaint either.
31-10-2007, 09:23 AM
you sir should keep your devil worshiping spam in the spam thread please
Thankyou for your intelligent response :o :zip:. As has been said in other threads, the Mugen RR was only offered in Japan only, as a limited release and all units were sold virtually straight away.
thats a tough one without seeing the car. a real tough one.
Some times u just cant help if the car gets a stone chip or has a scratch on it! Its impossible to stop this and there is so many ways this can happen to an unlucky car, and this is not just hondas, its everycar!
Ive had the problem fixed before and made sure it was fixed to the best quality. Never had a complaint either.
Thanks...Yes, that happens to with Toyota.. The panel beater guy told me that they do respray brand new toyotas with scratches or minor damage and send them back to dealer...
31-10-2007, 06:33 PM
how long can we expect the current bodyshape to stay the same? will it change next year?
31-10-2007, 06:47 PM
I believe the 2009 model will get the facelift. May not be a HUGE change.
01-11-2007, 09:55 AM
honda models life span is 5 years. with a mid life update but still the same shape. so 2010 new model
19-10-2008, 02:41 PM
was there ever a pearl white on the civic or it has been dropped for the current taffeta white??
wow... not expecting this thread back again after 1
was there ever a pearl white on the civic or it has been dropped for the current taffeta white??
As far as I remember, it was always Tafetta White.
20-10-2008, 03:08 PM
^yup... Pearl White is only available on the JDM Civic's
08-11-2008, 03:51 AM
I agree, although I have seen a few Jazz's in milano red that have started to fade :confused:
Hi Zdster,
I have 2005 Honda Euro / Milano Red - purchased new.
The boot lid and a section of the roof have started to fade.
I'm having an inspection on Wednesday at the dealer - I'll let you know what they say.
09-11-2008, 01:26 AM
nop.. there are still some for sale.. but the price is crazy expensive.. =)
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