View Full Version : how to Clean/degrease down engine bay safely

07-10-2008, 11:31 PM
how to clean engine bays safely without damaging any electricals.. what to cover. etc.

this will be very useful to alot of honda owners as most of the honda owners here give their car a good smashing time and it gets a bit dirty.

whats the best way to clean it without wrecking the car/electricals.
-what to cover
-what to use
-high pressure or normal?
-which chemicals?


08-10-2008, 10:00 PM
If its a newer car....like 2003-present..

Most of all the important stuff is already covered up with black plastic and stuff....

My mechanic just using a semi-high pressure hose, and sprays everywhere...just be careful where the intake is... apart from that.. everything else should be "wettable" ..all the important stuff is usually covered..like fuse box for eg.

08-10-2008, 10:13 PM
cover the dizzy too

08-10-2008, 11:37 PM
me and alexx sorta had a talk about this the other night

he did this and found some water got into his spark plug holes.... so maybe remove the leads and tape the holes....

removes your battery if the connectors are exposedor if the battery is not enclosed

put a plastic bag over your pod or cai if you got one
Plastic bag over the dizzy
try not to spray the wires too much

and maybe let your car cool a bit... ie dont spray it straight after a spirited drive as it'd probably cause steam and i dont think your headers will like the rapid temp change

as for what to use... i'd say go to manual car wash and degrease the engine bay then pressure wash it off

I'll be doing this soon so if you dont get around to it before i do i'll let you know how it goes