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  1. #1

    DIY for installing dash cam and hiding wires Accord Euro

    Can i get a DIY for the above. I want to hide the dash cam behind the rear view mirror and show no wires, unsure which panels come off etc esp near the wind screen.

    2006 Euro

  2. #2
    Can you take a picture of your internal fusebox by any chance?

    If it is anything like the civic hatch(FK/FN), my guide that i posted a while back should be able to help you.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by infurNOS View Post
    Can i get a DIY for the above. I want to hide the dash cam behind the rear view mirror and show no wires, unsure which panels come off etc esp near the wind screen.

    2006 Euro
    Just take your roof linin off anf either your front left or right roof arm to the roof. You can run your cables through there

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by flukey11 View Post
    Just take your roof linin off anf either your front left or right roof arm to the roof. You can run your cables through there
    Is it a big job?

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