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  1. #1

    dc5 luxury coilovers and exhuast

    Hi guys, can you help me find a exhaust that will fit the dc5 luxury 2006, and are coilovers that fit the type s fit the luxury too, im after bc racing maby? Im planning to run 17x9 +35 or +22 offset rpf1 not sure what other parts.

    I heard dc5s and r catbacks will not fit the dc5 luxury so maby im planning to get a full exhuast. Where is the best to source these parts. THanks

  2. #2
    What area are you in? no point doing a full exhaust system on a base model, if money is your issue that is. If it's not go for gold. If you're in sydney, Merrylands budget exhaust did my Catback with canon (xforce) at the end for about 350/450 can't remember now was a year ago.
    As far as coilovers, I don't think it's interchangeable unless you change the shocks as well to the type s ones. I could be wrong.

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