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  1. #1

    Talking Ello from Melbourne xD DC5 owner

    Hello fellow Ozhonda friends,

    Wanting to sell a few parts, however cannot make a post...

    Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
    Last edited by Almond; 15-11-2017 at 05:13 PM.

  2. #2
    Member Array
    Join Date
    Oct 2017
    Bunbury WA
    2006 Accord Lux
    Hi. Fairly new member here, but long time car forum member elsewhere... unfortunately it seems the majority of members have navigated away from this forum to social media like FB, who knows why? (Google and a couple of members on here informed me that no other forum style regarding Honda cars in Aus exists), took me almost a week before I got confirmed as a member, then you need approval of some sort, like duration of membership time/useful contribution threads/paid member contribution, or a combination of these which is what you usually need to be (on car forums) if you are selling parts.

    You can look for Ozhonda on FB... they have a presence there but it is only (from what I have seen so far) for sell/swap/buy of cars and parts. No discussions or other useful posting relevant to Hondas evident to me.

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