I've been playing around on a test site trying to get the new vBulletin CMS and articles system working. One thing that the articles feature has is that it is a bit more versatile in terms of features and makes the content more appealing as an article should. I see a few places for the articles as follows (in no particular order) Feature RidesDIY articlesReviewsGeneral Articles One handy feature is also the fact that you can work on an article without ...
Just in case you haven't seen it there is a discussion asking for input regarding a possible Ozhonda Wiki in this thread. Actually it was Lloyd that brought iup the idea of a Wiki back in September 2008. However due to a variety of reasons it wasn't brought up again until now. More to the point, I'm looking at a few different options based on the features of the Wiki itself as well as how it will integrate with the rest of the site. For the first point I would say without any hesitation ...
Updated 27-05-2010 at 01:27 PM by wynode (Typos)